Maintain scroll position on postback in modal popup
A. Add 2 functions to store and set scroll position 1. storeScrollPositionEd(scrollValue) = save scroll position while scrolling 2. setScrollPositionEd() = set top position of div < script type ="text/javascript" > function storeScrollPositionEd(scrollValue) { $( '#<% =hfEdScrollPosition.ClientID %>' ).val(scrollValue); } function setScrollPositionEd() { $( "#divEdScroll" ).scrollTop($( '#<% =hfEdScrollPosition.ClientID %>' ).val()); } </ script > B. Find the modal-body DIV name an Id and add onscroll function <div id=" divEdScroll " class="modal-body" onscroll ="storeScrollPositionEd(this.scrollTop);"> C. Add a HiddenField to store scroll value <asp: HiddenField ID=" hfEdScrollPosition " runat="server" Value=" 0 " /> D. call setScrollPositionEd() function after...