Kindly ensure that bonuses are incorporated into the monthly payroll along with salaries to facilitate accurate computation of statutory contributions. Including bonuses separately may result in incorrect contribution calculations. It is imperative that all payments, including bonuses, be integrated into the monthly payroll, as contributions are required to be settled within the specific month. These are the steps to follow to calculate net bonus amounts to pay bonuses before salary payments: 1. Enable BONUS in Payroll Period 2. Choose the payroll period and enter the bonus amount for the employee. 3. Payroll Calculation for Period "3" 4. Print your pay slip for BONUS 5. Create pay file to bank 6. Example. Transfer this amount to Employee's bank account. After deduct PCB & EPF. 7. This is your typical monthly pay slip (Period 2) 8. At the end of the month, you are required to submit a total amount of RM 4271 (Bonus 3600.0...